Avoiding Self-Harming Behaviors When Feeling Alone

Shifting Your Perspective This Valentine’s Day

While this time of year can be filled with love and cheer, it can be especially difficult for those struggling with the fallout of addiction. While you may feel alone this time of year, there are plenty of reasons to keep showing yourself the care and patience you deserve.

Addiction and Relationships

Although we tend to focus on how alcohol and drug addiction affects the addicted person, it takes a toll on those who love and care about them too.

Although it isn’t always the case, it isn’t uncommon for those struggling with addiction to drive the people closest to them away. It’s hard to regain the trust and understanding of the people who are negatively impacted by your struggles with substance abuse.

Looking After Your Mental Health

Stay Off Social Media

We all fall victim to comparing our situations to the lives of others as we scroll through our social media feeds. It’s important to keep in mind that what people share on social media is a small sliver of their lives that they’ve curated for the public to see. While the grass may appear greener on the other side, people aren’t always sharing their struggles with the public.

Try deleting your social networking apps for the day, spending your time being present in your own life and focusing on what you have instead of how it compares to others.

Go On a Hike

Another excellent way to boost your mental health this Valentine’s day is to take a hike! Immersing yourself in nature can help to boost your mood, reducing your stress levels and calming anxious feelings. Whether you have a favorite local trail or you decide to head out of town for an adventure, this change in scenery can help you to feel more at ease.

Spend Time On a Hobby You Love

While hobbies can be a fun way to spend your idle time, they also help to support and improve your mental health too. Research suggests that having a hobby that you enjoy can make you less likely to suffer from the following:

  • Chronic stress
  • Depression
  • Low moods

Whether you decide to take up painting, journaling, or even trying out a new sport—picking up a new hobby is an excellent way to show your mental health some love.

Seeking Help at Tranquil Shores

Whether you’re recovering from alcohol or drug addiction, Tranquil Shores can help you every step of the way toward wellness and recovery. Our experienced clinical team of addiction experts is dedicated to providing unique and personalized therapy to those looking for help with substance use disorders in Florida.

Please call us at (727) 391-7001 or contact us online to take the first step on the road to recovery today.

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