Cocaine and Depression

You experimented with certain drugs in college but never really had a concern with any of them. Some alcohol here, maybe some weed there, and the occasional bump of cocaine. It was fun, and sometimes it helped you be more expressive with your artwork. You graduated with a Bachelor’s in Creative Arts and were ready to take on the world.

But once you hit the real world, things were not as great. You were making a name for yourself locally, but it was hard to branch out and get your paintings noticed. Some days were harder than others, and you found it was hard to drag yourself out of bed. Maybe if you tried cocaine again that would help, it always motivated you before. Sure enough, you find your energy again and begin creating more and more paintings. But, you feel a void when you are not using cocaine, a depression you can’t explain. All the activities you enjoyed before – even painting – start to feel mundane. Are you depressed from your work or has cocaine caused this depression?

In 2022, 134 non-fatal overdoses in Pinellas County had stimulant involvement. Tranquil Shores has been helping those in the Gulf area begin their journey to both mental health and substance use disorder healing. Our facility keeps our client-to-therapist ratio low, at 3:1. This ensures you get the one-on-one time you deserve during your addiction treatment. The dedicated and compassionate team at Tranquil Shores understands how cocaine and depression can become a grueling pair, stealing your joy and negatively impacting your life. Is there a link between the two? Let’s explore further.

Cocaine and Depression: The Link Between Them

Substance use plays a large role in mental health and cocaine is no different. Because cocaine is a stimulant, it can cause highs and lows in mood and emotions without the person realizing it. The main link between cocaine and depression is based on the chemical dopamine. Dopamine is the reward system chemical within the brain, and certain activities cause its release. Eating a good meal, having sex with a partner, and exercising all cause dopamine to be released. In the instance of cocaine, excess dopamine builds up, creating essentially “higher highs.” The person will feel intense pleasure during the use of cocaine.

However, as the effects of cocaine wear off, the person will not feel the same. As the pleasures of cocaine subside, feelings of depression can begin. Feeling pleasure from activities such as food or exercise no longer reaches the same levels as cocaine provides. It will feel as though nothing is enjoyable unless cocaine is present.

For some people, cocaine use may cause them to act differently than normal. They may have delusions or hallucinations that lead to harming themselves or others. Friends and family members may feel unsafe near the person using cocaine and cut ties with them. This can lead to depression as the person loses connections. Also, behavioral changes may lead to other negative consequences. Cheating on their partner, stealing, and other reckless behaviors can increase the development of depression.

exploring link between cocaine use and depression

Does Cocaine Cause Depression to Occur?

Cocaine can cause depression for a few different reasons. First, cocaine adjusts how dopamine is released in the brain. Prolonged use will change how much dopamine is needed to feel pleasure. Normal activities no longer give off enough dopamine to trigger feelings of happiness, and the person will feel they need cocaine to achieve pleasurable feelings. This can lead to depression between rounds of cocaine use.

Another way cocaine causes depression is by affecting relationships, work, and finances. Cocaine is a more expensive substance, and its use can lead to financial strain. Work performance may waver as cocaine becomes the central focus of the person’s life. Family and loved ones may also feel hurt and disconnected as they try to understand how cocaine is affecting the person. All of these can lead to depression.

Lastly, cocaine changes the way the mind functions. It can cause many psychiatric side effects such as hallucinations, paranoia, agitation, and suicidal thoughts. The person can develop depression from not feeling like themselves or acting in ways they wouldn’t normally. Loss of relationships combined with self-isolation can be detrimental when experiencing depression. The person may feel they have no one to turn to in times of crisis. This can result in increased depression symptoms and also fuel cocaine use further.

Why Does Cocaine Make You Depressed?

As we discussed, cocaine affects dopamine levels and how you experience pleasure. Prolonged cocaine use will actually change how much dopamine is needed to feel those good feelings. This is because cocaine interferes with the reuptake of dopamine, causing a build-up in the brain. Things such as a really good meal no longer release enough dopamine to cause a pleasurable response. As these everyday joys become mundane, depression can begin, especially when cocaine is not being used.

Symptoms Your Mind and Body Feel When Depressed

When you are depressed, symptoms appear both mentally and physically. You may notice more aches and pains than usual even without physical activity. Sleep will be disrupted and you might sleep more or less frequently. Fatigue and appetite changes can also occur. Mentally, you will most likely notice a lack of motivation. Activities you once enjoyed no longer seem to appeal to you. Anxiety, general discontent, agitation, and isolation from loved ones can also occur. You may also be prone to sickness while depressed because the body is fatigued and not resting properly. While cocaine use may seem to help depression in the moment, in the long run, it will make it worse.

Is Depression Worse During Cocaine Withdrawal?

Cocaine withdrawal is often associated with developing depression. Cocaine causes the brain to react differently to pleasure, and stopping cocaine use can cause a large decrease in dopamine levels. This is because the brain is trying to re-regulate chemical levels to a normal state. Feelings of depression and helplessness can develop during this stage and cause negative thoughts, which can be life-threatening. If you ever have thoughts of self-harm or suicide during cocaine withdrawal, seek medical attention immediately.

Because cocaine causes such a disruption of chemicals in the brain, cravings can continue for months or even years after use has stopped. The brain will eventually regulate again and activities can become enjoyable. However, this can take more time and cause the person to want to return to use. It is important to develop healthy coping skills and a strong support network early in recovery to prevent this. NA meetings, local support groups, and trusted family members or friends are valuable assets in recovery along with mental health care professionals like therapists and psychiatrists.

mental health effects of cocaine consumption

Effective Cocaine Addiction and Depression Treatment in Pinellas County, FL

Cocaine use can make it feel like nothing will ever feel good again. Thinking about stopping may seem daunting and scary, but life has so much to offer once you begin recovery. By choosing a cocaine addiction rehab, you are choosing to start fresh and find solace and peace. Cocaine can seem like it provides joy when in all actuality it strips away your happiness and replaces it with pain. Through guided therapy, coping skill classes, and wellness training, you will be ready to take back your life and wield the tools needed for a successful recovery. All it takes is stepping foot through the door to begin again.

If you or someone you love is managing a cocaine use disorder, look no further than Tranquil Shores. Our program caters to all, and we have specific programs for artists, musicians, athletes, executives, and medical professionals. We understand how cocaine can take over your life before you know it, and our team is ready to guide you back to the life you deserve. Call us today at 727-391-7001 to begin the journey of reclaiming your life.

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