10 Tips for Life in Early Addiction Recovery

10 Tips for Better Recovery

Let’s be honest. Starting the journey of addiction recovery can feel pretty challenging and overwhelming at times. Getting through detox and treatment takes some willingness and fortitude. Then there is often a flood of emotions and mental strain that can make the recovery process difficult. 

After all, much of the real work of recovery begins when you get out of treatment, right? That’s where you really begin to road test what you learned in rehab. Whether you’re new to addiction recovery or you have been in the process for some time, having helpful tips on how to navigate daily life can make a big difference. 

In this article, Tranquil Shores shares 10 tips for life in early addiction recovery to help you build a strong foundation for a successful recovery journey.

1. Make Plans

Ok, we’ll admit this sounds too simple, but think about it. Having a plan for life in early addiction recovery is just practical. When you were still getting high flying by the seat of your pants was the only way to roll. And what results did that get you? You’re living differently now. It’s time to think about what you want out of life for yourself and set yourself realistic goals. 

Think small at first. Make 6 month goals. 1 year goals. You might start to speculate where you’d like to be in 5 years, but don’t put any pressure on yourself about that yet. Right now just prioritize and execute your short term goals. 

2. Build a Support Network

Surround yourself with positive people who can offer advice and be there when things get tough. The people you used with should not be a part of your life anymore unless they are in recovery too. You don’t have room for them. It’s time to hang out with people who are doing the things you want to do and living the way you want to live. They say you are the average of your 5 closest friends. So think carefully about who you spend time with. 

3. Set Boundaries

This one isn’t always easy. It’s important to make sure that the people around you are respecting your journey and helping you stay motivated on the road to recovery though. You’ll hear this a lot but it never stops being true: Don’t put anything ahead of your recovery, because you’re bound to lose it anyway. Don’t make room in your life for ANYONE who doesn’t respect your recovery. 

4. Invest in Self-Care

This one matters more than you might imagine. It’s not just about self-indulgent spa days (though that’s one form of self-care). When you were getting high you were not being kind to yourself. It’s time to make it right. Show both your body and mind some love. It really, really matters. Take care of yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually by doing activities that make you feel good. Eat well. Work out. Go for silent walks on the beach. Meditate. Pray. Be good to you, you’ve only got one you. Take care of yourself. 

5. Find Meaningful Hobbies 

Early recovery often means you suddenly have a lot of new free-time on your hands. Do good things with it. Learn to surf. Watch every movie on the American Film Institute’s Top 100 Movies of All Time. Start Crossfit. Learn a new language. Become a Pokemon trainer. Fill that open time with things that make you a better version of you. Pursue activities that help occupy your mind and build your self-esteem. 

6. Avoid Triggers 

OK, sure this one seems obvious, but you’d be amazed how many people just gloss right over it. Understand the things that could potentially trigger a relapse, such as people or places associated with substance abuse, and take steps to avoid them. You might be tempted to hang out in casinos or strip clubs looking to blow off some steam. Think about it carefully. Sure, maybe you won’t pick up a drink or do a line the first time you go. But sooner or later things are probably going to go sideways and you know it. Be honest with yourself about what your triggers are and give them a wide berth. 

7. Speak Up 

Recovery is about living an open and honest life. Don’t keep secrets that keep you sick and don’t stay quiet when you’re not okay. It’s okay not to be okay. No one feels like a million dollars all the time in recovery. No one is expecting you to either. Don’t be afraid to talk about what you’re going through and seek support when needed. 

8. Take Responsibility 

This might be a new experience for you. But recovery is about getting real and owning your actions, good or bad. Being responsible isn’t always easy, but it gets easier and it will make you feel better, we guarantee it. Accepting responsibility for your mistakes is a key part of recovery, so don’t be afraid to acknowledge your wrongdoings and move forward.

9. Focus on Positivity

This doesn’t come naturally for all of us either. But it will after you’ve made it a habit for a while. Believe that. Keep your negative self-talk in check. Your complaining and bellyaching too. Take notice of what you say and how you think. Negativity does nothing for you, it only hurts you and others. Recovery isn’t easy but remember to try and stay positive during challenging times by reflecting on how far you have come and how much further you can go. 

10. Celebrate Progress

Remember to celebrate each success and milestone as it comes.Never forget that it is a miracle you’re even here. There are millions still sick and suffering from this disease out there right now. But you have a roof over your head, food to eat, a warm bed. Clean clothes. Keep track of your victories, large and small and celebrate them. It reminds you how far you’ve come and it’s also a way to express gratitude.  It’s important to recognize the progress that you have made.

Tranquil Shores Has Answers for Addiction

No matter where you find yourself in your journey, we can help. Tranquil Shores is a Joint Commission Accredited alcohol and drug rehab located in the greater Tampa area. Our confidential hotline is available to you 24-hours a day. Call (727) 291-9874 for help, any time, day or night. 

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