Eight Warning Signs of Problem Drinkers: Do You See Yourself?

Warning Signs of Problem Drinkers

You may think you can easily spot a problem drinker as if there’s only one definition. In fact, there are many drinking patterns and habits that are problematic and can lead to addiction. When you’re looking for warning signs of alcohol abuse, whether it’s in yourself or in those close to you, you might need to open your eyes more than you’d think.

Knowing when, how, and why you drink can point the path to change.

Types of Alcoholics

The following are drinking profiles you may be familiar with:

– You have a few drinks on the weekend — every weekend. Your drinking doesn’t interfere with your work or social life. Sometimes you have a few more than usual and start to feel a little guilty, but then you resume your usual drinking habits and everything seems fine.

– You drink any or every night of the week. You wouldn’t know how to end your day without a drink. It’s not unusual for you to have 5 to 7 drinks at one time. You struggle to curtail your drinking.

– You can drink all night long, but you may go a week or more without any drinks. You’re a heavy drinker, but you don’t drink often or consYou think you should probably stop drinking for a while, but you believe alcohol isn’t really a problem for you.

Most people try to quantify their drinking habits by the number of drinks they have or how often they drink. The people in these drinking profiles have very different drinking habits, but they’re all in danger of serious addiction and other health problems.

Drinking Problem Signs

Drinking a lot and getting drunk aren’t the only warning signs of problem drinking. Here are some other symptoms of alcoholism to watch for:

– Blacking out. An inability to remember the details of your night of drinking may seem like a blessing socially, but it’s a red flag for your health. When you black out from alcohol consumption, your brain is overwhelmed by alcohol and can’t function properly. Alcohol is a depressant that slows your body systems, including your respiration and heart rate. Excessive depression of vital systems is dangerous and can lead to death.

– Guilt and shame. If drinking is such a fun social activity, why do you feel guilty the next day? Guilt and shame are two emotions closely associated with addiction. Your subconscious is trying to tell you something about your behavior — these emotional responses are signs that your drinking may be a problem.

– Wrong crowd. Changing your friend group based on your drinking habits is a true sign of addiction. You may be trying to hide your drinking behavior from your family and friends because they know you best. But, your new gang values drinking, so it’s safe to drink with them and not be criticized. Really, alcohol has become your best friend and the others don’t matter anymore.

If you or someone you love is exhibiting any of the warning signs of problem drinking, get help right away. Contact Tranquil Shores to learn about addiction recovery and what it can mean to your life.

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